Thursday, February 16, 2012

TCU has handled the unfolding drug arrests very professionally and is minimizing the crisis by their swift response. Less than two hours after 16 students were arrested TCU's Chancellor Victor Boschini stood in front of local news cameras and gave a public statement describing exactly what had happened and TCU's actions of expelling those students involved. Dr. Boschini stated "These students are charged with acting in a manor that is incompatible with TCU values, against the code of student conduct and against the law. That is simply unacceptable and such reported behavior is not tolerated at this University."
TCU's swift action of putting the highest ranking official immediately in front of the camera was the best move the could have done. They took accountability for the "bad apples" as they were called and immediately talked about their school's disciplinary action. Within the day other administrators including Vice Chancellor for student Affairs Kathy Cavins-Tull, head football coach Gary Patterson, and Athletics Director Chris Del Conte. Although this is a black eye for the TCU community due to the administrations swift actions they got in front of the story and have made a strong stance against these students actions. As more arrests are expected it now falls into the administrations lap to continue to stay in front of this story and keep TCU's image intact.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Susan G Komen recently went under fire due to them breifly stopping to fund Planned Parenthood once they realized that some of their funds were supporting abortions then several days later retracting their statement and supporting the organization again. This was a nightmare in terms of bad press for Susan G Komen as it should have been, they handled it terribly. Once shit hit the fan instead of making statements supporting their decisions Komen sat quietly and let people ponder what their actions are and should be. Komen had every right to stop funding an organization that was using their money in a way against their wishes but since they never voiced these opinions and quickly changed their stance it made Komen look weak and unsure of their own views.
As we discussed in class only 3% of Planned Parenthood's budget went to abortions and I'm sure that even a smaller percent of Komen's donations went towards them but it is the inconstancy of their stance as well as their silence that seems to be getting them into the most trouble. The fact that they pulled the funding then reinstated it several days later leaves an outsider thinks of Komen as a fractioned organization with no central leadership. They should have either stuck by their initial stance or made a statement of apology when they changed their stance. But they didn't and now have to deal with the public backlash that follows.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A bronze mean

Aristotle's Golden Mean is the desirable middle between two extremes. The only problem with this Golden Mean is that our societies extremes are now morphing at an alarming rate. It seems like every decade there is more corrupt people in an increasingly disturbing world. But why is our world continuing to appear to be more dangerous? Is it an increase in violent video games and music? Porn everywhere on the Internet? I'm sure I'll never understand why our world is evolving in the way that it is but I do know that its a crazy world. Where is the new middle ground? Look at the now 79 person death toll in the soccer game in Egypt, or the captain that left his cruise ship as it was sinking. What happen to the days that the captain went down with the ship (Titanic) or World Cups where nations at war can come and play soccer game on the field and leave everything there on that field? Is this our new middle ground? People not taking responsibility for their actions? In a world like ours this Golden Mean seems to be nonexistence in many circumstances.